prayers to destroy witchcraft

If yes, this article offers powerful prayer to destroy Witchcraft and make you feel at ease and blessed. However, women are not the enemy when it comes to witchcraft, nor should the common man be afraid of women. Amen.. c) letting go of gases (farting) O God arise! We give credit for some of the articles and materials we have shared on this website to and Dr. D.K. Every witchcraft power assigned to convert my destiny into a dustbin; I dislodge your power by the power of the Holy Ghost, in Jesus Name. Prayers I dont know who is doing it, but I pray to you to strengthen me to deal with this evil energy. Every witchcraft tree attacking my elevation in this environment, wither by fire, in Jesus name. The entire county, region is Satanic. The penalty for practicing witchcraft was death under the Mosaic law (Exodus 22:18, 1 Chronicles 10:13, Leviticus 20:27) because at the heart of witchcraft is the same ploy Satan used in the garden of Eden when he said to Eve: You can be like God, (Genesis 3:5). Heavenly Father, I have never felt so helpless, but today, I feel broken when my life is going down. Holy Ghost fire! Father, I decree an end to every heavy witchcraft manipulation in my life and destiny, in the mighty name of Jesus. Let the altar of witchcraft in my household be roasted in Jesus. She is full of grace and grit, raw honesty, and truly believes tacos can solve just about any situation. We are to take our stand against theenemys schemes and put on the full armor of God, put on the whole armor of God so that you can take your stand against the devils schemes (Ephesians 6:11). I believe Witches are extra blessed souls who have to gain powers from the universe by practicing spiritual activities. I put on the full armor of God and cover myself with the Blood of Jesus. Thanks so much for the site, my grandma just confessed that she was been used by her siblings, cousins and neighbors to crush my business and all my finances. Every witchcraft pot cooking my glory, burn to ashes, in Jesus name. I disgrace every altar of iniquity in my life by the blood of Jesus. Every witchcraft network working against my prosperity be dismantled by fire in the name of Jesus. O earth vomit every wickedness against me, in the name of Jesus. Spiritual Warfare Prayer Against Witchcraft Over Every witchcraft tree attacking my elevation in this environment, wither by fire, in Jesus name. Address the Father in Praise and Worship. The power of witchcraft fear the blood of Jesus pleaded on them. Here are some bible verses to clear your thought and make you believe that God is with those who are victims of evil energy or Witchcraft. WebIn the name of Jesus, I break and cancel witchcraft control, spirits that block you from exercising your free will, destruction, lust, perversion, grief, bitterness, hate, rebellion, rejection, schizophrenia, deception, doubt and unbelief, passivity, false humility, anti-Christ, religious error and command you to come out in Jesus name. 4: How to Know if You Are Under a Witchcraft Attack. GOD gives you the flexibility to draw Holy Ghost fire! Every witchcraft transportation system assigned against my life shall not prosper in Jesus name. Go to the pit! Father, I decree that every material of witchcraft network in my spirit, soul and body being used as a weapon of attack upon my life and destiny should come out by fire, in Jesus name. I take authority over witches, sorcerers and all other form of evildoers in the mighty name of Jesus. O Lord, let the weapons of witchcraft powers turn against them, in the name of Jesus. PRAYER Let the serpent of the Lord swallow the serpent of my Pharaoh, in the name of Jesus. This site is a proud member of the Salem Web Network, a subsidiary of, Copyright 2023, I take authority over witches, sorcerers and all other form of evildoers in the mighty name of Jesus. I put on the Helmet of Salvation! You remind me to renew my mind and keep my thoughts on you. She is a former award-winning journalist with over 2,000 articles published. For example, when a person eat food poisoning, its end factor could be tragic sickness or even untimely death. Protect me, Lord, strengthen me to fight evil harming my life, and stand tall. Every witchcraft register bearing my name, catch fire, in Jesus Name, Every witchcraft document written against me, be consumed by fire, in Jesus Name, Every witchcraft informant that is observing my destiny, be blinded and paralyzed, in Jesus Name, Every image carved against me, catch fire, in Jesus Name, Every witchcraft authority over my destiny, be broken by the jealousy of God, in Jesus Name, Every tree planted against my freedom, catch fire, in Jesus Name, Every satanic road block, clear away by fire, in Jesus Name, Every witchcraft concoction inside my body, melt away in the Name of Jesus, I clear off every Beelzebub web over my life, in Jesus Name, I command destruction upon every foundation of witchcraft assigned against me, in Jesus Name, I command the food of witchcraft to become poison, in Jesus Name, I command the seeds of witchcraft to catch fire, in Jesus Name, I command the communication system of witchcraft to be jammed and work contrary to their plans, in Jesus Name, Let every throne of witchcraft assigned against me be cast down and shattered, in Jesus Name, Let the strongholds of witchcraft be pulled down, in Jesus Name, Let their refuge be pulled down (and let them have no hiding place from our arrows of prayer), in Jesus Name, Let the network of witchcraft be broken and useless, in Jesus Name, I command the intermediaries of witchcraft to become disappointed and unable to carry out their enterprise, in Jesus Name, Let their transportation system be dismantled, in Jesus Name, I command the weapons of witchcraft to turn against themselves and against each other, in Jesus Name, Let their banks and storehouses be broken down and all the lootbe returned to the owners, in Jesus Name, I command permanent confusion upon witchcraft altars, in Jesus Name, I command the padlocks of witchcraft locking up my goodness to be broken in pieces, in Jesus Name, I command the traps and snares of witchcraft to be broken and rendered useless, in Jesus Name, I command witchcraft projections to fail woefully, in Jesus Name, Every witchcraft burial of my goodness, be reversed, in Jesus Name, Every bewitchment over my life and family, clear away by the winds of God, in Jesus Name, I command witchcraft summoning to fail woefully, in Jesus Name, Pray against witchcraft identification mark like this Raise your right hand up and cry to the heavens, Blood of Jesus! DISMANTLING WITCHCRAFT EMBARGO ON FINANCES. could stand the Holy Spirit fire to burn them 1,000 times hotter than hell NOT EVEN SATAN!!! WebThe Spirit of Peace. Witchcraft powers, let my family go, in the Name of Jesus. Father, I curse every operation of the wicked in my family. Horsemen charge with bright sword and glittering spear. I am surrounded by humanoids pretending to be friends but they are out to reak havoc. It isnt just women who practice witchcraft. They specialise in high level manipulation, caging and other evil acts on the lives of the children of God. I will say of the LORD, He is my refuge and my fortress, my God, in whom I trust.. Spirit of our God, Father, Son and Holy Spirit, Most Holy Trinity, descend upon me. I command my body, soul and spirit to jump out of every witchcraft coven in the name of Jesus. Forgive us for the times weve neglected to set our eyes and hearts on you, for the days weve forgotten to come to you first. I love it and Im sure I will use it to over turn the the kingdom of darkness in my life. Send forth that Your continuing whirlwind to fall with great pain upon the heads of witchcraft powers, in Jesus Name. I am the LORD your God.. Father, let every embargo of witchcraft network placed upon my life and destiny be consumed by the fire of the holy ghost, in the name of Jesus. Let the throne of Jesus Christ be established in every area of my life, in the name le, of Jesus. Lord, please wash away my iniquities and make me white as snow. Heather Riggleman is a believer, wife, mom, author, social media consultant, and full-time writer. Father, I thank you for you have heard and answered my prayer, in the name of Jesus. O Lord, I cover the following prayers in the name of the Father, the Son and of the Holy Ghost. I repent of all evil practiced. Come upon my hand,in Jesus Name! Then place the hand upon your head and pray aggressively, Identification mark of witchcraft upon my life, backfire, in Jesus Name! My Father! I dk what he did to me but I need serious help I feel like giving up. Every pot cooking my affairs, the Lord rebuke you, in the name of Jesus. Powerful Prayers to Destroy Witchcraft Every satanic program emanating from the caldron of darkness, be reversed, in the name of Jesus. Water spirits networking with witchcraft spirit against my life, I judge you by fire, in Jesus Name. God is the source of all the magic; If he can create it, He can destroy it. Let every finished work of the devil be broken tonight in Jesus name. My husband said God told him to leave us and he (God) said its alright because hes happy now. due to his prolong evil attacks hoping me unable to take his tormentation any longer. I will say of the LORD, He is my refuge and my fortress, my God, in whom I trust.. Father, let every witchcraft wall of resistance against my progress and success in life be demolished by fire, in Jesus name. PRAYERS FOR BREAKING WITCHCRAFT Robert bridges. My advice to you is to record your own warfare prayers onto your mobile phone and play it through earpieces once you have sensed the witchcraft attack. When you feel your life slipping from all the highest you have brought it, know someone wishes for it. PRAYER Witchcraft is Satans power, and he excels in counterfeiting God. You cant be passive when dealing with the enemy Take back your joy peace your everything 1 Samuel 30(read all) David recovers All from the enemies . A Warrior's Prayer with the Armor of God Heavenly Father, Your warrior prepares for battle. Altars that are working against me, let the heavens send judgment against you now, in the name of Jesus. Let the sun go down on witchcraft powers, in Jesus Name. Witchcraft game-plan over my success, I destroy you, in Jesus Name. #4 Your regular spiritual activities no longer attract you, and you have started doubting the existence of God. Let every evil pot hunt its owners, in the name of Jesus. We can protect ourselves and others through prayer when we understand that infinite Spirit, God, is present everywhere, filling all space. Father, thank your for empowering me to scatter the evil attacks of all witchcraft networks against my life, in the name of Jesus. Thou shalt not suffer a witch to live Exodus 22: 18. However, human beings are greedy animals; sometimes, they use their gifts to harm others. Downtime is an opportunity to strengthen yourself and accelerate your actions for a better life. Powerful Prayer to Destroy Witchcraft Attacks Let the thunder of God locate and dismantle the throne of witchcraft in my household. Prayers to Destroy Witchcraft Let human blood become a snare to them so that if they ever move close to any human blood they will get into trouble, in Jesus Name. And the wicked are the enemies of God. WebPRAYER POINTS AGAINST WITCHCRAFT MANIPULATION Every witchcraft power assigned to manipulate my destiny, be destroyed in Jesus name. Powerful Prayer to Destroy Witchcraft Attacks e) some victims may also hearing voices whisper into their ear. Darlene fontinant. (Repeat) Hotter! Prayers For Protection Against Witchcraft I curse the curses sent against me and return them to their senders, in the name of Jesus. Every pregnancy of sorrow assigned against my breakthroughs by witchcraft powers, I abort you now, in Jesus Name. I still dont want their destruction, but I want them to clear their heart and think good of others too. You curse of bitterness issued against my life by witchcraft spirits, be broken in the name of Jesus. Every witchcraft padlock, fashioned against me, break by fire, in Jesus name. Every areas of my life caged by witchcraft coven be released now by fire in the name of Jesus. Please help us to trust you more, to stop wasting time just spinning our wheels or fighting in our strength. Let every witchcraft communication gadget delegated against my life be destroyed by fire in Jesus name. There are many mediums, and Ghost catchers do not get entangled in their Karma. I cover myself with the blood of the Lord Jesus Christ as my protection during this time of prayer. WITCHCRAFT PRAYERS Father, I command every evil pot and concoction of witchcraft network used against my life to break into pieces, in the mighty name of Jesus. some names of some witches that have been sending demons andcurses curses to people and causing financial hardship on people causing them to lose jobs and they need these prayers prayed against them. I bind all principalities, powers of the air, wickedness in high places, I bind every solider of the enemy and cast them out of my heart, home, spirit, and mind. b) sneezing (ahhh chooo) Spiritual Warfare Prayer Against Witchcraft Over I withdraw my blessings from every bank or strongroom of the enemy, in the name of Jesus. Father, I take grace to live in heavenly places far above all principalities and powers that are warring against my life, in the name of Jesus. We set the fire of God on demon powers eating sacrifices on cross roads. Gods word is yea and amen. Prayer Points Against Witchcraft Manipulation Let the traveling-routes of my household witchcraft become their burying places, in the name of Jesus. these prayer points are powerful prayers to destroy witchcraft that is attacking you. You my divine destiny, you will not be bewitched, in the name of Jesus. We would also do well to understand why more individuals are enchanted with the witch lifestyle. Father Lord, let there be a disassociation between my body and the evil food I have eaten, in the name of Jesus. He is also free Mason I didnt know until afterwards. Every wicked pot cooking my affairs, be roasted, in the name of Jesus. 0 Lord, let Your thunder and fire locate all covens of witches and wizards established against me for total destruction. Gods word says, we should not suffer witches to live, so therefore, we have been mandated to see that every witchcraft around us and attacking it is destroyed including all their operations. PRAYERS FOR BREAKING WITCHCRAFT Woe to the bloody city! Pray against witchcraft identification mark like this Raise your right hand up and cry to the heavens, Blood of Jesus! WITCHCRAFT Whereas others call themselves white witches or Wiccan call on Mother Earth for protection and encase their homes with herbs, spices, and plants. Also Read: How to Be A Christian Psychic By Adrian Lee- Every Christian Must Read, 1 Samuel 22:23Stay with me; dont be afraid. Worst things is he like to attack We all need to be prayerful and watchful and in Jesus Mighty name, we are victorious Amen. Spiritual Warfare Prayer Against Witchcraft Over We and our partners use data for Personalised ads and content, ad and content measurement, audience insights and product development. And kept black magic for him to forget me. The witchcraft thats on him makes him hate me, our daughter, and our sons. 4: How to Know if You Are Under a Witchcraft Attack. Take Heart for God is with you. Today I claim victory over Satan by putting on the whole armor of God! I break the backbone of every marine witchcraft militating against my life with the hands of fire, in Jesus name. Today more people are choosing the witchy lifestyle as they gather in movie theaters to watch supernatural shows and fill their homes with hundreds of plants for protection. Its sad nearly the same thing is happening to you, but God will change this. And Every curse that they placed on anyone is now cancelled in Jesus name! Use this powerful prayer to destroy witchcraft and protect your family. I AM BEING BEAT DOWN BY THE EVIL IN THIS WORD I AK WHY BUT THERE IS NO ANSWER IN RETURN GOD IS MY SAVIOUR I KNOW THAT HE WILL NEVER LEAVE ME A LONE, Stay with me; dont be afraid. I break every witchcraft imprisonment over my life by the atonement Blood of Jesus, in Jesus Name. Please cover my family, my home, and work with your warrior angels. Whatever has been done against me using the ground, be neutralized in the name of Jesus. 11. What have you been doing inside? Holy Father, I am sensing some evil, witchcraft activities around me which is making me sick. Powers of darkness have now become a world wide attack and nobody is spared except you are a true believer in Christ Jesus with fasting and prayers unrelentless otherwise, the devil is a devourer, received and a killer. You can submit your prayer request here, and we will interfere on your behalf. God, being All-in-all, is omnipotent. No need to panic when God is on your side. any recording device).No evil spirits,demons,witches,warlocks,satanists etc. Father, let every witchcraft means of transportation burn by fire, in Jesus name. Father, let every witchcraft coven risen against my life catch fire by the holy ghost, in the name of Jesus. In the name of Jesus, I separate every foul spirit from my soul in accordance with the word of God in Hebrews 4:12. I would have the curses one read something like I curse the curses sent against me to dry to the roots and I lay them at the feet of jesus! DESTROYING THE ALTARS OF WITCHCRAFT Altars that are working against me, let the heavens send judgment against you now, in the name of Jesus. And I will cut off witchcraft out of thine hand; and thou shalt no more worship the work of thine hands Micah 5:12. My girls dad unknown to me gave me witchcraft to eat and now years later am finding out a demon very strong f demon is lodged into my stomach. Holy fire, break the backbones and destroy the roots of every evil spirit that is speaking against me, in the name of Jesus.

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prayers to destroy witchcraft