eeio emission factors

Chemical releases to air are sourced from 2017 reported emissions data from the National Emissions Inventory (NEI)28 and Toxic Release Inventory (TRI)29. 3. Recycl. These datasets are more current than the IO data, and more closely represent current environmental performance. PDF EMISSION FACTORS 2021 DATABASE DOCUMENTATION - Microsoft Following this mapping, each satellite table is assessed to ensure that no environmental flows were lost during the transformation. This check is performed by using Eq. Agency researchers are using USEEIO as the foundation for the development of a suite of Sustainable Materials Management Prioritization Tools. It may also yield insights into changes in US industry environmental performance that may be of interest to users that have used a v1 model either directly or via an interface like the SMM Prioritization Tools. In Fig. Emissions from purchased goods and services and capital goods represent a significant emissions source for many organizations. How are emission factors developed? Overview of GHG Protocol scopes and emissions across the value chain. In other words, the monetary and physical flows occur in the same direction: makers of the waste treatment commodity receive both the physical waste to be disposed and the money for the disposal service. N combines each economic, flow and indicator component. 32, where the sum of industry value added, w, after normalization and transformation to be in commodity form, multiplied by the total requirements matrix, L, results in ~1 for each sector, i. Timber and raw forest products impact intensity increased due to a decrease in land area assigned to timberland and negative economic growth between 2007 and 2012. US Environmentally-Extended Input-Output (USEEIO) is a family of models designed to bridge the gap between traditional economic calculations, sustainability, and environmental decision-making. 2014 generator-based characterization of commercial sector disposal and diversion in california. 11. where Pm,y for a margin type (t, w or r) is calculated in Eq. Ingwersen, W., Li, M., Young, B., Vendries, J. Chinese environmentally extended input-output database for 2017 and 2018, Implementing the material footprint to measure progress towards Sustainable Development Goals 8 and 12, Contributions of sociometabolic research to sustainability science, CO2 emission accounts of Russias constituent entities 20052019, A low energy demand scenario for meeting the 1.5C target and sustainable development goals without negative emission technologies, Food systems are responsible for a third of global anthropogenic GHG emissions, Variation in trends of consumption based carbon accounts, An emissions-socioeconomic inventory of Chinese cities, US Environmentally-Extended Input-Output (USEEIO) model, Sustainable Materials Management Prioritization Tools, models are listed on the model technical content webpage,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,_Chapter_1_US/usv1.pdf,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, At the intersection of life cycle assessment and indirect greenhouse gas emissions accounting. 6 above, but using the commodity gross output chain price index in place of the industry gross output chain price index. AC-17-SS-1 (U.S. Department of Agriculture, 2019). The direct perspective calculation associates the totals with the sectors that produce the given flows (e.g. The allocation methodology for industrial water withdrawal was modified for v2.0. The model is available as the National Employment Totals By Industry 2017 v1.1 dataset59. It is the best value for money option. See the Scope 3 Emission Factors section below for more details. MerckCorporate Responsibility Report v2.0 is a single region model with the 50 states of the United States modeled as a single region. Significant decreases in HRSP are visible in agricultural sectors except in Cattle. This sector provides a wide range of services from non-hazardous waste landfilling and recycling to contaminated site remediation. Emissions factors The emissions factors can be collected from: - Emissions sourced direct from suppliers based on the specific goods and services used. It is a method that national statistical offices (NSOs) are beginning to adopt as a complement to other data produced in the System of Environmental-Economic Accounting (SEEA). Birney, C., Li, M. & Ingwersen, W. National employment totals by industry 2017 v1.1. The result is available in the National Commercial Hazardous Waste Totals by Industry 2017 v1.1 dataset57. Report No. In most cases, these factors are simply averages of all available data of acceptable quality, and are generally assumed to be representative of long-term averages for all facilities in the source category (i.e., a population average). Household emissions or other final use emissions are not included in B. National totals of flows (physical movements of specific resources, emissions or employment) by industries are used as the sources of environmental and employment data. Wolsky, A. M. Disaggregating Input-Output Models. EIA manufacturing land area is considered part of the urban land total rather than a stand-alone industrial area category. 2014 Manufacturing Energy Consumption Survey (MECS). For the disaggregated waste management sectors, the Make table intersection represents the amount of the Waste management and remediation services commodities (rows) produced by each of the waste management industries (columns). The EEIO sector also determines whether the project type is for construction or operation more broadly, and each has a very different greenhouse gas emissions profile. National biennial hazardous waste report 2017. (U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, 2018). 4, 5. The first step is a relevance assessment to determine which of the 15 categories are relevant to the reporting organization. These data are difficult to obtain given the scarcity in publicly available waste management pricing data, the level of aggregation of the waste management sectors, and the differences in prices and materials used by each waste management activity. The factors are described below: CO 2 emission factors for electricity and heat generation for world countries (in CO 2 per kWh, 1990 to 2019). Google Scholar. Quarterly census of employment and wages 2017. (U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, 2020). flowsa performs extraction, transforming and loading (ETL) processes for bring in original data sources, as well as the modeling steps to create a standard flow-by-sector output, which can be retrieved using the getFlowBySector function and passing the name of the flow-by-sector of interest. To achieve more granular results for 6-digit NAICS, Water_national_2015_m1 uses acreage data for 64 crops from the USDA Census of Agriculture (CoA) data48. Home | Emissionfactors Social cost of household emissions: cross-country comparison - Springer The model will support BETOs mission to develop technologies for producing cost-competitive advanced biofuels from non-food biomass resources, including cellulosic biomass, algae, and wet waste (e.g., biosolids).. Developed by EPA researchers in support of the Agencys sustainable materials management program, USEEIO melds data on economic transactions between 389 industry sectors with a wealth of environmental information, including data on land, water, energy and mineral use, air pollution, nutrients, and toxics. Outside of agricultural land, there is a sharp increase for Museums, historical sites, zoos and parks. 16, 157167, (2004). For example, Table 8 of the GHG Emission Factors Hub lists factors aligned with the distance-based method. Publications Office of the European Union Additionally, the Water_national_2015_m1 methodology differs from Water Use Satellite table compiled for v1 for Crop Irrigation, Industrial, Mining, Thermoelectric, and Hydroelectric water estimates. v1.2 estimated 2007 mining water withdrawals by scaling 2002 water IO vector coefficients in gal/$M by changes in annual employment53,71. The disaggregation process is carried out by disaggregating distinct sections of the Use and Make tables. Sci Data 9, 194 (2022). developed the methodology and software programming in flowsa and performed data curation for all environmental data, and wrote associated sections of the manuscript. The Use table rows represent the use of commodities by the industries in the IO table. 2016 emissions factors, which is the most recent data set available from the EPA EEIO database. Official websites use .gov The emission factor rating takes into account the test rating, the number of sources tested, and whether the sources are selected at random, represent the industry population, and are sufficiently specific (e.g., to fuel type, design, etc.) An environmentally extended global multi-regional input - Springer Assessing the flows or processes (i.e. Nonpoint criteria and toxic air emissions are sourced from the 2017 Nonpoint, Nonroad, and Onroad NEI datasets28. However, these models did not incorporate additional sector disaggregation, did not include domestic model variants, lacked other environmental matrices and associated indicators described for v2.0 herein, and the full set of matrices for these models were not published. (2021)., Amendment 1 to Supply Chain Factors Description, SUPPLY CHAIN GREENHOUSE GAS EMISSION FACTORS FOR US INDUSTRIES AND COMMODITIES-.PDF, Appendix 3 - Industry and Commodity Reference Lists, Appendix 4 - Distribution, Wholesale and Retail Margins for Industries and Commodities, Appendix 5 - National Level Gross Output and Direct Emission Trends, Appendix 6 - Annual Change in Supply Chain Emission Factors, Appendix 7 - Contribution Analysis for Supply Chain Emissions, Appendix 8 - Comparing Summary and Detail Level Direct and Supply Chain Emission Factors, Appendix 9 - Comparing Commodity-based and Industry-based Supply Chain Emission Factors at the Detail Level. Report out, Q&A and closing. Thank you for visiting The Economic Census data provides monetary receipt values by detailed NAICS codes and customer class. It has been subjected to the Agencys peer and administrative review and has been approved for publication as an EPA document. Scope 3: Purchasing Data Entry | SIMAP Description: Many organizations quantify greenhouse emissions in their value chain. This report, Supply Chain Greenhouse Gas Emission Factors for U.S. Industries and Commodities, describes the preparation of those factors with a background on the modeling associated with this preparation, and presents extensive analysis of the factors, including supporting equations and results in two appendices. State level USDA CoA data are used to calculate fractions of land use by animal type, which are multiplied by state level MLU pasture and grazed land. With the flow coefficient matrix B and the total requirements matrix L, the matrix M which contains the direct and indirect flow coefficients can be calculated with Eq. The tools provide companies, governments, and other organizations with accessible, easy-to-use resources to advance sustainable materials management and realize the multiple benefits it offers, such as reducing waste, increasing efficiency and profitability, and improving the environment. We use three kinds of cookies on our websites: required, functional, and advertising. It is worth noting that the Imports and Exports IO sectors (F00500 and F00400) are not classified as any customer class in the Economic Census, but are allocated as Business firms and farms for disaggregation purposes. Environmentally extended input-output analysis - Wikipedia Where particular elementary flows are reported in each dataset, flows are maintained from the DMR when a facility reports to both. Irrigation and water management survey 2018. In v2.0, water for mining sectors is first attributed to 6-digit NAICS using employment data before mapped to BEA industry codes. The model is validated through reproduction of national totals from input data sources and through analysis of changes from the most recent complete USEEIO model that can be explained based on data updates or method changes. These flows must be adjusted or mapped to reflect the inclusion of the disaggregated waste sectors. figshare (2022). The Waste management and remediation services industry itself produces most of this commodity (83%). 26. where HRoW is the contribution from Rest of World, and Hd is the contribution from the US. 6, 3392, (2021). Mention of trade names or commercial products does not constitute endorsement or recommendation for use. J. The element-wise product of B and adjusts B for the flow year differences and effectively converts B into a harmonized 2012 year form. The general approach for assigning nonpoint air emissions to sectors remains unchanged since version 1.1. In v2.0, direct impacts decreased between 3050% for crops. Chemical releases reported by facilities in these datasets include toxic releases, metal compounds, nutrients, and organic pollutants. The water withdrawal sector attribution model result is published as the National Water Withdrawal Totals By Industry 2015 v1.1 dataset51. & Birney, C. useeior. However, in v2.0, releases to water also include organic enrichment, sediments, and other compounds tracked within the DMR. The B or D matrices may be used for similar purposes but only include the direct impact or flow per USD. The correspondence stems from BEA-NAICS relationship table released with national input-output (IO) accounts by BEA10. This excel file includes 10 sheets with a set of carbon emission factors for electricity and electricity/heat generation. Any of these matrices, used together with its respective domestic matrix, can be used to divide the values between those occurring in the US and those in the rest of the world, by taking the difference of a result with the domestic model and the full model, as in Eq. U.S. EPA Office of Research and Development (ORD) (2017). Major Uses of Land in the United States, 2007. (U.S. Department of Agriculture, 2011). 66, 283291, (1984). Scope 3 calculation method improved and boundary expanded over time. This data is more complete than the flows reported by hazardous waste shippers, and so is preferred for the waste disaggregation. (2021). Correspondence to (U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis, 2009). The Federal LCA Commons Elementary Flow List (FEDEFL) v1.0.7 is used to represent the substance, environmental compartment or origin or release, and the unit in a common format with Federal LCA data14,15. To prevent this, we apply a different allocation value to the value-added sectors of the disaggregated waste industries based on the intermediate industry totals (i.e., non-value-added allocations): where piW denotes the value-added allocation proportions, W is the value added matrix in the form of value added components per dollar industry output that is extracted from the full Use table, Vi denotes the industry throughput derived from the Make table (row sums), i'(UW) denotes the intermediate industry throughput derived from the Use table (column sums) and not including the value added matrix. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. EPA/600/R-20/001). Metadata Updated: January 28, 2022 Tables presenting supply chain and margin emission factors and data quality scores for US commodities and industries calculated from USEEIO models at two levels of commodity/industry categorization, detail and summary, for both industries and commodity, and annually from 2010-2016. The decrease is more notable in electricity and transportation sectors. When imports are greater than final consumption and exports for a given commodity, the demand value will be negative. This can be performed by subtracting the import matrix, Um from the Use matrix to estimate a domestic Use table, Ud, as in Eq. 25. This methodology modification follows work by Zeng and Ramaswami and is meant to avoid double counting forest land use with grazing land37. It is widely used by EPA program offices and other government agencies, corporations, nonprofits, nongovernmental organizations, and academia for applications such as calculating carbon footprints and environmental assessments. Environmentally Extended Input-Output Data - Open Risk Manual These calculations of total flows or impacts associated with a given final demand are equivalent to life cycle inventory (LCI), denoted as G, and life cycle impact assessment (LCIA) result, denoted as H, in the field of life cycle assessment17. If a facility reports a NAICS code that is no longer valid, emissions are allocated equally across one or more relevant NAICS from the 2012 schema. (U.S. Energy Information Administration, 2017). To view a copy of this license, visit There are 398 industries and three final demand sectors that consume the Waste management and remediation services commodity. For calculating any domestic result (see sec. Table 1 shows EPA's recommended source of emission factors for each scope 3 category.

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eeio emission factors