Or you might try boyfriend or girlfriend to get words that can mean either one of these (e.g. Permanent Pocket: Refers to a persons anus, Porcelain Termite: A prisoner who busts up the toilet/sink in cell when s/he gets upset, Prison Pocket: Refers to a persons anus (and sometimes, vagina). Time to Feed the Warden: Meaning one has to go to the bathroom. Even large birds start small, however: An ostrich or crane chick is absolutely a birb. We use cookies to ensure that we give you the best experience on our website. Finally, you might like to check out the growing collection of curated slang words for different topics over at Slangpedia. 14. British slang is English-language slang originating from and used in the United Kingdom and also used to a limited extent in Anglophone countries such as Ireland, South Africa, Australia, Canada, and New Zealand, especially by British expatriates.It is also used in the United States to a limited extent. Subscribe to America's largest dictionary and get thousands more definitions and advanced searchad free! New booties: Inmates with first-time conviction, Ninja, (The): HIV/AIDS; sometimes used for STDs in general, 115: The document used to charge a prisoner with an infraction, On the line: Has many meanings, but usually means something is for sale. Please also note that due to the nature of the internet (and especially UD), there will often be many terrible and offensive terms in the results. His boss, who he admires, is waiting to meet with him about the big project. Two-legged (or human) companion has a nicer ring to it, but comes off as rather clumsy. This is simply due to the way the search algorithm works. Spread. Search interest in birb takes off in 2017, corresponding with the growing popularity of DoggoLingo more generally. Copyright 2023 Vocabulary.com, Inc., a division of IXL Learning Urban Thesaurus finds slang words that are related to your search query. To save this word, you'll need to log in. The official Urban Dictionary API is used to show the hover-definitions. birb Meaning & Origin | Slang by Dictionary.com Baby: A weak prisoner used for sex, a "punk." (FL) Badge: A correctional officer. At one time, it was the main prison in Arkansas for young, male convicts, and this lead to its nickname of Gladiator School., The California Mens Colony, an all-male prison on the coast of California has a favorable nickname due to its many educational options and vocational activities. You have the captain, the Shot Caller,and his faithful enforcer, The Torpedo. jail, also UK: gaol n (detention facility) prison nf : Kyle was arrested for being drunk in public and spent the night in jail. Its called Big Mac by inmates, as well as locals. And Alan Pakula is sitting upstairs with a pack of lousy preview cards thinking that were bird-dogging Mike Medavoys project. We may understand, then, that while "birb" can be a developmental stage, some birds are birbs their whole lives. If you're working out, you're banging weights (and If you're muscly and fit, you're hench). Thanks for reporting that use of the word, Alex. Glossary | Prison Terms | Prison Slang They are often abbreviations or derivatives of the NATO Phonetic Alphabet, or otherwise incorporating aspects of formal military concepts and terms.Military slang is also used to reinforce the (usually friendly) interservice rivalries.Some of these terms have been considered gregarious . The nation was in the middle of a huge recession, known as The Great Depression, and people needed heroes. One went nuts and committed suicide, one died in prison, one is very ill and dying. Located on the Cumberland River, the Kentucky State Penitentiary is nicknamed Castle on the Cumberland. Although the current building dates to the 1930s, a much older building probably influenced the nickname. The minute you got off the phone with Freddy, he called me in California because he thought you were bird-dogging, too.. 5. When released, they have a hard time reintegrating back into society and are likely to somehow end up right back behind bars. Depending on the era in which you were born, you will definitely notice that people alter and come up with new nicknames for prison native to the time. jail-bird | Etymology, origin and meaning of jail-bird by etymonline BG8Iep qVu^. An E-man is a prisoner who has tried to escape. c. 1300 (c. 1200 in surnames) "a jail, prison; a birdcage." The form in j-is from Middle English jaile, from Old French jaiole "a cage; a prison," from Medieval Latin gabiola "a cage," from Late Latin caveola, diminutive of Latin cavea "a cage, enclosure, stall, coop; a hollow place, a cavity" (see cave (n.)).. Jailbirds - definition of jailbirds by The Free Dictionary especially: a habitual criminal. Based on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, Random House, Inc. 2023, Collins English Dictionary - Complete & Unabridged 2012 Digital Edition Note that this thesaurus is not in any way affiliated with Urban Dictionary. Bird definition: A bird is a creature with feathers and wings. Lame Duck: A vulnerable inmate standing alone in the prison yard, easy to prey on, L Whop: Life without the possibility of parole, Lockdown: When some kind of disturbance in prison causes guards to lock all inmates in their cells, indefinitely, until calm is restored. Jailbird legal definition of jailbird - TheFreeDictionary.com One who. Dry Snitching: Ratting out another inmate by talking loudly about his bad behavior in front of guards. This maximum security prison in Oklahoma is nicknamed for its location in the city of McAlester. n. Informal A prisoner or an ex-convict. When someone calls you a bird brain, they might . Said to live for 500 or for 1461 years, the phoenix is a male bird with beautiful gold and red plumage. Jailbird. Merriam-Webster.com Dictionary, Merriam-Webster, https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/jailbird. If the warden is going to feed us crappy food, were going to feed it back to him digested. PC: Protective Custody; a category of solitary confinement where the inmate needs protection from other inmates. If someone has a knife, or makes one from another object, they might call it a shank. These indexes are then used to find usage correlations between slang terms. Jailbird definition and meaning | Collins English Dictionary As you've probably noticed, the slang synonyms for "term" are listed above. Kite: A contraband note written on a small piece of paper and passed to others through underground methods. Slang Dictionary - Writing Academy Blog Hoe Check: Group beating given to prisoner to see if hell stand up for himself. Urban Thesaurus crawls the web and collects millions of different slang terms, many of which come from UD and turn out to be really terrible and insensitive (this is the nature of urban slang, I suppose). There is still lots of work to be done to get this slang thesaurus to give consistently good results, but I think it's at the stage where it could be useful to people, which is why I released it. A judge is a vanilla, also from old rhyming slang (judge = vanilla fudge). Kyle a t arrt pour tat d'brit sur la voie publique et a pass la nuit en prison. Violators: Repeat offenders with two or more times in prison, Im the leader of the group/gang I hang out with, but my buddies are disappearing on me. A building designated or regularly used for the confinement of individuals who are sentenced for minor crimes or who are unable to gain release on bail and are in custody awaiting trial. I guess the metaphors comparable use in a variety of contexts is some indication of the effectiveness of the image. . Define jailbirds. Another sense is that of dogged pursuit, as in bird-dogging someone for information or answers. Used in a sentence: After Regina tweeted about a Pink-footed Goose on Long Island, birders went into a frenzy, resulting in a Patagonia Picnic Table Effect and a rare Cassin's . Although the prison is now closed, it has made its mark on prison slang words. Urban Dictionary: jailbird Keister: To hide contraband in ones rectum. Shakedown: When prison guards tear apart inmates cells looking for contraband. Urban Dictionary: phoenix a CAN YOU ANSWER THESE COMMON GRAMMAR DEBATES? It was built to emulate Warwicks Castle in England. These are some of the most famous. A crazy or foolish person. Here is a list of popular terms considered slang for jail. Sometimes refers to a doctor. Discovered that the term bird-dogging has been co-opted by some in the real estate community on this side of The Pond, to signify seeking (or perhaps, sniffing) out very low-priced properties as potential quick, renovation-worthy fixer-uppers, which would eventually be flipped on the market for a handsome profit. Recalling an argument he had with fellow producer David Field about work politics, Bach uses the term bird-dog in a way that appears to be slang and primarily American. Dinner and a Show: While inmates eat glop in the chowhall (the Dinner), they watch other inmates fight and then get pepper sprayed by the guards (the Show). Stingers: A rigged heating element created out of metal, designed to get water to boil. Brownies: People who work in the kitchen, Buffing: Working out on the exercise bars with water, sandbags, and calisthenics. during cell inspections and transfers: see Prison Pocket. I want to receive exclusive email updates from YourDictionary. The higher the terms are in the list, the more likely that they're relevant to the word or phrase that you searched for. Programmer: An inmate who spends most of his time attending classes and improving himself: the nerds of prison, Pruno: A homemade alcohol made from fruit, bread and anything with sugar, i.e. n. Informal A prisoner or an ex-convict. SHOP ONLINE. Most cities have at least one jail, and persons are taken . If an inmate tells on you to officers, theyre a snitch or agrass. . While cigarette papers might be called skins or veras (like vera lynns). Steven Bachs book Final Cut: Dreams and Disaster in the Making of Heavens Gate, is a fascinating behind-the-scenes account of a notorious film that effectively brought down the United Artists (UA) studio. Brogan: The state-issued work boots that inmates wear. Bean Slot: The opening in the cell door where food is delivered. Despite my unfamiliarity with the usage, I was able to infer its meaning from the context. Our prison slang list is straight from our incarcerated friends. Said to live for 500 or for 1461 years, the phoenix is a male bird with beautiful gold and red plumage. Jailbird - Definition, Meaning & Synonyms | Vocabulary.com Slang Words for Jail | YourDictionary What Is A Yardbird - MeaningKosh Note: Please send us any prison slang words weve left out, include a definition and the state or prison where youve heard it. Unfortunately the circumstances you perceive too keep you free of incarceration are a misconception. 22. Dictionaries that include bird-dog, such as the OED, Merriam-Webster, and American Heritage, indicate other senses dating from the 1930s or 40s that come from the actions of the eponymous hunting animal: the verb has both transitive and intransitive senses having to do with following or closely watching a subject of interest, or scouting (e.g . Jailbird - definition of jailbird by The Free Dictionary When letters make sounds that aren't associated w One goose, two geese. On March 19th, 2020, iFunny user BaconatorSr posted an image macro of a Doge hitting another with a stick with the text reading "Go to Horny Jail BONK," gaining over 1,000 likes (shown below). The only one left is aFishwhos obsessed with a Kitty-Kitty. When birbs screech in DoggoLingo, they are humorously said to screm. Your email address will not be published. Is everybody nuts around here or what? I downed the rest of my brandy and signalled for a refill. Bird: Someone who is a fool or idiot. Subscribe to America's largest dictionary and get thousands more definitions and advanced searchad free! 2023. All rights reserved. bluebird: [noun] In selling it refers to an opportunity that comes out of nowhere and closes unexpectedly. jail [sb] vtr (imprison) emprisonner vtr : incarcrer vtr : The government jailed Holly for six months for . Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window), Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window), Click to share on Pinterest (Opens in new window), Click to share on Reddit (Opens in new window), Click to share on LinkedIn (Opens in new window), Click to email a link to a friend (Opens in new window). The culture of a society can have a particular impact on the words that evolve out of that era, especially when it comes to examples of slang. Dictionaries that include bird-dog, such as the OED, Merriam-Webster, and American Heritage, indicate other senses dating from the 1930s or 40s that come from the actions of the eponymous hunting animal: the verb has both transitive and intransitive senses having to do with following or closely watching a subject of interest, or scouting (e.g., for talent). Due to the way the algorithm works, the thesaurus gives you mostly related slang words, rather than exact synonyms. Shitbird - Meaning, Origin, Usage - SlangLang jailbird meaning: 1. a person who has been in prison 2. a person who has been in prison. BB Filler: Body Bag Filler; usually a very ill prisoner. What Does It Mean When Someone Calls You a Bird? [Answer] jailbird. Food might be called nosh or chow, and the dining hall might be called the mess or mess hall. 6. And me.. Special thanks to the contributors of the open-source code that was used in this project: @krisk, @HubSpot, and @mongodb. 18. Your parents might refer to your disgraced car thief cousin a jailbird. Hoop: To hide contraband in ones body cavity, Hot Medders: People who take over-the-counter medication, Hot Water: An officer is walking the tier; a warning to cease inappropriate behavior, J-Cat: Someone with mental issues. For the most part its a generational thing and for that you are right. Accessed 1 May. ), Catch a Ride: To get high with a friends drugs. (HT to Mara!). 2023 LoveToKnow Media. What a sad irony that inmates are able to create and understand their own language and live by a very strict code of conduct inside the joint. Knowing these words will help you understand books from the 1920s and 1930s, as well as movies that use prison slang terms. jail meaning: 1. a place where criminals are kept to punish them for their crimes, or where people accused of. 1. v. Slang term for a vaporizer; used to smoke weed. Due to the way the algorithm works, the thesaurus gives you mostly related slang words, rather than exact synonyms. The word "castle" is now used to refer to any jail as well. Psalm 148:10, 13. William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 HarperCollins Twenty years later, an actress named Selma Vaz Dias, who wanted to dramatize Good Morning, Midnight on the radio, found her living in poverty and obscurity in the English countryside with a third husband who also ended an embezzler and a, Post the Definition of jailbird to Facebook, Share the Definition of jailbird on Twitter. 7. Many of the words that are now slang for jail came from the time when gangsters were seen as heroes and gangster slang became part of everyday language. bird urban dictionary jail Young offenders. For others it simply comes down to being in the wrong place at the wrong time and a lack of knowledge for dynamics of the judicial system. You might also have noticed that many of the synonyms or related slang words are racist/sexist/offensive/downright appalling - that's mostly thanks to the lovely community over at Urban Dictionary (not affiliated with Urban Thesaurus). In most cases, however, someone calling you a bird brain is likely trying to insult your intelligence in some way. When Is a Bird a 'Birb'? An Extremely Important Guide Also, a prisoner sings like a bird (rat). Sucker Ducker: Someone who stays away from people who cause trouble, Survival Kit: A pillow case or sheet rolled up with a sheet, blanket, pillow case, 2 pairs of socks, 2 underwear, 2 t-shirts, and a little bag with 1 hotel bar soap, 1 mini toothpaste, a mini pencil, a shaving razor, cup, and spoon, Take flight: To attack a person using fists. And me.. Second, and a heap more important, because the jailbird had threatened Miss Beulah. The fascinating story behind many people's favori Test your vocabulary with our 10-question quiz! Torpedo: Prison gangs are kind of like submarines. Get Hit: To catch a longer sentence from the parole board. Also refers to a correctional official who reveals personal information about other prison staff to inmates. Throughout the history of the United States, there have been many slang words for jail. If you get high on drugs that another inmate gave you, youre catching a ride. The slangy business of bird-dogging | Sentence first Facebook Profile. To learn more, see the privacy policy. Over the years, slang for jail has grown and evolved. What does bird mean? bird Definition. Meaning of bird Urban Thesaurus - Find Synonyms for Slang Words jailbird synonyms, jailbird pronunciation, jailbird translation, English dictionary definition of jailbird. There may have been some old jailbird called a King in the time of our grandmothers; but he belongs to history if not to fable. Ive known Freddy for years, and I was glad he was working for us, and I wanted to say so., You were bird-dogging my project, he said quietly. The higher the terms are in the list, the more likely that they're relevant to . And finally, if theres a member of staff that the prisoners dont like or trust, he/she is a bug. It comes from old rhyming slang where time became bird lime, but now it has been shortened to justbird. Spread: Gourmet prison meal; often used to describe big potluck meals put together for a group of inmates by a designated cook or two; Includes rice, ramen soups, fish, chili, tortilla chips etc, Strapped: When someone is carrying a weapon.
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